The Pope. His Mission and His Task, 2021.

Roman Encounters. The Unity of the Church and the Holy See’s Responsibility for the Universal Church, 2019.

You Shall Be a Blessing. Twelve Letters on the Priesthood, 2019.

The Power of Truth. The Challenges of Catholic Doctrine and Morals Today, 2019.

Encounters with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 2019.

Catholic Dogmatics for the Study and Practice of Theology, 2017.

The Cardinal Müller Report. An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church, 2017.

On the Side of the Poor. The Theology of Liberation, 2015.

The Hope of the Family. A Dialogue with Cardinal Gerhard Müller, 2014.

The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture. The Word that Comes from God and Speaks of God for the Salvation of the World, 2014.